Thursday, February 12, 2015

Evolutionary Love II - We are Generating Past and Future in the Now

Prefatory Note: 
Here are two epiphanies, tentatively and roughly expressed. They are not honed into elegant statements. For now, this is what I've got. Thanks!

I claim that right here and right Now, “we,” each and all of us, on all the many levels from personal, to group and communal and simultaneously with all levels extending from our highest inspirational visions down to our very cells and dna -- and to the very atoms within them that are presently containing the original Chaos through the subatomic attractive-erotic forces of subparticle physics -- that we are always in an ongoing way generating the Cosmos, including our past and our future:

I've come up with various versions of the statement below. These ought to be consolidated, pending increased clarity.

1. Creation in the Now:
Evolutionary Time occurs through the progressive Containing of Chaos [1][2] and the corresponding progressive Expansion of the Cosmic Horizon through the ongoing Structural Development of the Evolutionary Process at every level of being. The Human Cosmos, the container that opens between  Heaven and Earth, evolves [3] in the ever-present Now from which we generate the ever-extending  past and the ever-extending future.[4] Proliferations of distinctions from multiple levels of being, multiple intelligences, at their points of congruence discover a Common Path through the Integral Heart (where all the levels of feeling in the body, along the spectrum of darkness to light, matter to spirit, intersect in the feelings conveyed by bodies and the feelings conveyed by thoughts – even thoughts have subtle feelings) and are brought into the circle or choir of Universal Care, and higher ascendancies of the Concert of Being in which all beings are destined to have a voice.

1. (Chaos=the Big Bang, and Chaos' epiphenomenal presence at each level of Being, driven with each ascension to a deeper interior)
2. (progressive containing occurs in the time dimension of going deeper into the past, from now-to-past as we realize the story of who we are)
3. (evolution of the container between Earth-and-Heaven)(occurs in the time-dimension of now-to-future)
4. ever extending and ever expanding ... ever diversified and deeper

1B. Another Version
Evolutionary Time occurs through the progressive Containing of Chaos (the Big Bang) and the increasing loving intimacy of levels of Beings within the Cosmic feminine container, womb and matrix of all earthly life and activity, of Heaven and Earth.  Evolutionary Time moves forward through spiraling cycles that are led forth through masculine bidirectional extensions in the domains of Past and Future, Unity and Difference, and Energy and Matter. Through the Intergral Heart of the Now, the Nexus reciprocally joining Masculine and Feminine, the masculine distinguishings/extendings/polar directionings, seek their harmonious resonances within the Circular Systemic cyclings of the Feminine, which is the point at which the Axes of being join the Matrix of Love, and generate Evolutionary Time and Movement.  Through discovery of congruences between the workings of the masculine and feminine, the world arises to like a road to meet us, opening the path forward into a new, higher and more beautiful Cosmic architecture, on the road to the Celestial City.

1C. Another
Evolutionary Time occurs through the progressive Containing of Chaos [1][2] and the corresponding progressive Expansion of the Cosmic Horizon through the ongoing Structural Development of the Evolutionary Process

2. The Ankh = The Crucifix joined to the Madonna & Child Matrix, joining the Womb to the cross.

I am seeng the Egyptian Ankh as a symbolic representation of the insights I'm attempting to articulate above. The Ankh is a kind of cross, with a Circle joined atop three "arms."

A. The Circle (Feminine, dimensions of inner deepening and outer expansion -- spiraling out from the center, drawn forth by the masculine axes, I intuit)
The womb-container-matrix of the ever-cycling Heart of Care

B. The Intersecting Bidirectional Linearities (Masculine)
  1. Past-Future  (Front-Back, Stories, Principles and Plots)
  2. Unity-Difference (Left-Right, Multiplication of qualities in distinguishing differences)
  3. Form-Spirit, or Energy-Matter (Below-Above, Successive Operational Levels in a Founding Relation, ascending, and a Containing Relation, descending)

Evolutionary Growth 
Proceeds as the feminine matrix deepens and expands in the dimensions of inner (within) and outer (horizonal sky).  Follows the evolutionary path within the womb-container-matrix of the cycling heart. With the extension of the (at least) three masculine bidirectional axes, realized at the heart nexus where masculine meets feminine, evolution proceeds.

Lively Commentary - My Dialogue with Antoine:

The following is derived from my correspondence with my friend Antoine about an earlier version of the above (I've lightly edited our original correspondence).

Antoine's suggested rewordings of my original formulations of the above. Antoine's suggested changes are boldfaced. He also suggested some emphases, which are represented by underlines.

I am loving your musings, Marc.   Riffing off of your work I came up with these alternatives:

1. Creation in the Now
Evolutionary Space-Time is contained within the successive ordering of Chaos (the Big Bang) and  the progressive Expanding of Cosmos (continuity unfolding) through the bidirectional dimension of time (Past and Future), connected through the nexus of the Spiraling of Spirit through the Integral Heart of Now.

2. The Ankh? (tentatively)

Growth (within the womb-matrix of the cycling  heart) proceeds along three (four?) bidirectional axes (or dialectical poles?):
Form-Spirit   (or structure-energy)
Masculine-Feminine   (or action and embrace / outer and inner)

On your suggested edits:

#2.  I thought about adding the masculine/feminine to my list of the bidirectional axes; for me, though, the masculine seems to be associated to the three axes which I named, while the feminine is  associated with the “circle” or matrix. The nuclear generative power of masculine directiveness appreciates and deepens the circle, spiraling out from the center of care to extend its loving domain and embrace.
Hence, interestingly, I also, with you, associated depth and expansion (your inner and outer) with   the feminine principle. Yet I locate this depth and expansion in a circular domain that is in connected vital relation to, and yet somehow distinct from, the masculine domain of intersecting linearly extending bi-directionalities. Anyhow, that’s how I am seeing it.
By the way I like your pairing, “structure-energy” as an alternative to my "form-spirit." I myself also saw a kind of equivalence between spirit and energy, form and structure. I'm not sure which I prefer, and welcome your thoughts.
In support of all this reasoning and intuition, the symbol of the Egyptian Ankh came up for me: the Circle atop the three “arms” of a cross. I see the Ankh as a symbolic expression of the Circle-Matrix over the three bidirectional linearities.
Very interestingly, it also occurs to me that:
The Ankh can be seen as the joining of the “Mother and Child” (Madonna and Child) Matrix to the Crucifixional linearities, which pass into the Heart of Care (the Feminine Circle) at the integrative nexus of the intersection.
Also interestingly, I notice that, historically speaking, with the introduction of the Christian cross, the circle on top is removed and transformed into a fourth straight line!  This may suggest that the Christian tradition, as symbolized in the crucifix, effectively attempts to replace or effaceme Feminine circularity with masculine linearity. Could this transformation of the cross signify the world event that instituted engendered domination and submission, what we call patriarchy?
Your idea of "dialectical poles” sounds interesting and generative. After thinking about it a bit, I think it might work, but I'm not sure what nuances you intend to introduce. I notice that, in my thinking, the masculine work of humanity is to extend the poles in both directions, developing opposites in the related distinction to one another.  Is this a dialectic? Maybe so?  Some symbolic images come up for me in thinking about these poles or directions: Moses parting the Red Sea (horizontal pole). Atlas holding up the Earth (ascending/descending pole).

My own view was showing me that the axis of past-generating, which I associate with the containing of Chaos, is an ongoing active happening in the now. So, in a subsequent edit, I intentionally chose not to say “contained” (past sense, completed) but “containing” (actively ongoing).
Furthermore, I am also saying (by my choice of "containing" over "contained") that an epiphenomenal aura of chaos and randomness remains with the move to each successive level, so that at every level of being a new quality and sphere of liberation, of spontaneity and freedom and unpredictableness is also opened, which also introduces new dangers — and it is the work of this level to, as you say, bring the new variables and inheritances into a new order. The chaos is never fully contained; the work of containing goes on, and remains energetically active even where it has been achieved.
Speaking of order, I like your re-ordering of my phrase into “Integral Heart of Now.”
I also like your emphasis on my "successive ordering," which, it occurs to me, also implies the accessive ordering in the other direction: up and down the bidirectional axis (or dialectical pole, in your words).
Responding on your emphasis of connected through the nexus,” I like that and for me it illuminates a  question that I had not focused on, which is the mysterious and magical “pipeline” or “transformative passageway,” as I am now seeing it, from the linear domain of the masculine bidirectional axes (or or d-poles) and the cycles of the feminine matrix.
I intuit that the masculine directionality, driving back and delineating the past as it projects and clarifies the future, is what leads the feminine cycularity into an evolutionary spiraling forth, a repetition and recurrence that, in its caring spinning sustaining, brings something forth from the past, as it also, in moving forward, brings something forth from the future, and therefore launches a lineage of evolutionary growth in the present moment, ever connected with evolving past and future, so that the present is always structurally coupled with its context of past and future. The generative matrix is then something like the seed that draws energy from the heavens and nourishment from the earth, and in its cyclical nexusing-joining-integrating, it brings forth the tree, a new structuring of earth, sky, water and fire-sun, into a living organic unity.

I am saying that, in the Now, right now, “we,” each and all of us (at levels from personal, to group, to communal, etc.) — on many simultaneous levels from our highest inspirational visions down to our very cells and dna and the very atoms within the cells and dna that are presently containing the original Chaos through the subatomic attractive-erotic forces of physics -- are actively generating the Cosmos, including the past and the future. Can we take responsibility for what we are doing, for whatever path we are generating, for our relationship to the ancestors, the children of the future, the earth and the sky, and to our fellow living beings in the theater of our existence? This comes back to my thoughts on developing, and ascending into, our Respons-ability, which also means coming into our own as who we are, Owning our selving and stepping into our Freedoming.

Wow! Thank you Antoine!  What new beauty of being with you shines forth for me!
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