Thursday, February 12, 2015

Esoteric Perambulations - Cosmic Evolution & Human Responsibility

 Nature - the larger ecosystem, Gaia, and it's many subecosystems, is the original gift economy,  infant (non-speaking) and alive, sentient and vigorous with driving energy to grow and multiply.

Money (true money, not this usurious counterfeit that masquerades as money today, and which yet  sometimes glints with the light of something higher), the exchange of true money ascended to its higher potential attains to conscious, humanly experience of the gift economy, happy and humanly munificent.

True money is not a commodity, nor is its exchange the exchange of commodities -- the deprivation  of things from their sacred cosmicity. Such exchange is instead the experience of living collaboration, of trusting, streaming, reciprocal generosity in the growing of our collective gifts.

Interpersonal exchange will then be experienced in the context of the loving community which itself appreciates with every act of interpersonal appreciation. Every appreciation re-multiplies in mirroring reflections of self with self, with other and with community, with creatures and with earth and air. In this circular, recursive dynamic, gifting equals receiving in a self-regenerating, self-perpeting, accelerating cycles.

Through money, the ever-reciprocally-evolving dynamic of living organisms with one another and the environment (earth, water, air and fire-light), which drives the rich abundant increase of the biodiversity of nature, ascends on the basis of human languaging and symbol-making, into a higher sphere of potential.  Within this sphere, the human ability to consensually coordinate the consensual coordinations of mutually beneficial interacting and exchanging -- the dynamics of the economic systems and underlying ecosystems in which we are embedded -- enters into a higher level of possibility, growing the potential domain of love to larger geographies and populations. Even today's debt-money, which has organized nations and armies to accomplish great feats of technology and culture, has shown, in twisted forth, a hint of true money's potential.

This potential has been historically diverted through private counterfeiting, manipulative masquerade, traitorious theft and dynamics of domination-submission. Yet the underlying potential remains alive and true, and we will find it and it will find us in the end.

We are speaking of the potential for congruence among all the levels of the Great System with one another, in the great Chain of Being, the Cosmic Chakra, the Spine of Creation, connecting and aligning in right health the earth, the living bodies (tooth, nail, gut, heart, breath, nerve, flesh, breath, arm, leg, voice and wing), with Sky and Sun and Stars and Cosmic Divinity.

We are at every level of our being, from the atoms within our cells and DNA, to our highest inspiring visions, generating both the past and the future from the everlasting Now, and our path rises up before us in the choices that emerge as we expand our awareness. The choices that we see and do not see condition our ability to respond, and liberate us into our own respons-ability.

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